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My Invisible Lover Page 5
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Page 5
“Come,” she said, suddenly, breaking off from his kiss and standing up from the sofa. He leaped up after her, following as she grabbed hold of his hand to bring him with her.
By the time they made it the short distance down the hall to the bedroom, he had caught up enough to plant another kiss on her neck from behind. Jada turned and kissed him back, standing on her toes to reach up to his mouth. In return, he bent his neck down, making it more comfortable for her to wrap her arms around his neck.
Taking advantage of her grip, Luke slipped his hands down to her hips and shifted downwards slightly before lifting her up. Instinctively, Jada wrapped her legs around his waist, keeping herself secure – and pressing their bodies close together. She could feel him, now, not just see him, and the shape of him pushing against her almost drove her wild.
Luke carried her over to the bed and laid her down, following after her to kneel above her on the sheets. Jada broke off their kiss for long enough to pull her shirt over her head, only bothering to undo a couple of the buttons to get it off faster.
Then his hands were running over her skin, resting on hips and ribs and shoulders for moments before gliding on again. His hands were so large and strong, she felt almost like a doll. Though it might have been an unsettling feeling with someone else, now Jada felt even more turned on.
Every trace of his fingers across her skin was setting her on fire, and there was a need inside of her: an urgent need to feel it on every part of her body, to wrap their skin closer, to be as tightly pressed together as possible. It was pure animal instinct, and she had no choice but to give in.
Jada’s hands found the buckle of his belt and started to wrench it open, fumbling in her haste. He took the initiative and unzipped her grey woolen work trousers, pulling them away as she lifted her hips up for him. He finished the job of removing his jeans, throwing both sets on the floor before coming back to kiss her again.
Before he moved, she had the opportunity to admire what he had revealed, and it excited her. The bulge straining against his boxers was now more clearly outlined than previously, and it looked big enough to please. She was a petite woman, but she had always had a kind of perverse attraction to bigger men. Bigger hands, bigger frames, bigger everything. Luke fit that bill in more ways than one.
He, meanwhile, appeared to be fascinated by the lacy lingerie set she was wearing. She always liked to wear nice underwear, even if she was only going to work; there was a confidence that came from knowing how good you looked under your clothes. Luke seemed to appreciate that. He couldn’t seem to stop running his hands over the lace, staring appreciatively, even lowering his head to kiss the exposed skin right around the edges.
Then he hooked his hands into the sides of her panties and looked up at her for a moment with a questioning gaze. She only smiled and lifted her hips off the bed again so that he could pull them off and throw them on the floor with everything else.
He hesitated only for a moment to admire her – just enough to take her in, without starting to embarrass her – and then shifted his weight, moving further down the bed. Jada watched him find a place between her legs and could almost have laughed out loud in glee. A man who was willing to go down on her, right away, without even having to be asked? What a keeper!
Then the heat of his mouth and tongue hit her, and she didn’t have enough breath left to laugh.
He obviously knew what he was doing, and it was mere minutes before she could hardly stop bucking her hips into his face. His fingers worked inside her as his tongue did the rest, and the pleasure filled her senses so much there was no room for anything else. As much as she wanted to lay still, to let it continue, and above all to avoid giving him a black eye with her thigh bone, it felt so good that her body took on a mind of its own. She was even getting close to orgasm, but he seemed to sense it was coming and moved his head away.
He grinned as she lay, gasping for breath, and delicately wiped his chin with the back of his hand. It was such a smooth move. It almost seemed like he had had a small itch there or something – not that he wanted to wipe anything away. God, everything about him was so perfect – so considerate – how had a man like this existed in the world for so long without her knowing about it?
She pouted at the loss of the pleasure, making a small moan of discontent. That only made him grin all the more.
“Not yet,” he said, and although the confidence of being able to bring her back to the brink might have been misplaced in another man, she had already felt what he could do. “I want you to enjoy yourself for longer than that.”
Luke stood by the side of the bed, and it was much as Jada could do to gather her breath and watch him. She felt like there was a fire burning between her legs, and the only thing that could put it out was the touch of his hands.
Then he dropped his boxers to the floor, and she rethought. Maybe there was one other thing that could do the job, too.
After what he had done for her, it felt like the most reasonable thing to reach out and take hold of him by the shaft, wrapping her fingers tightly around and squeezing. He moaned softly in surprise and pleasure and shuffled closer so that she could reach more easily.
Jada used both hands to work the shaft and the head, quickly observing which motions made him gasp and twitch more.
“Oh, god, Jada,” he moaned out loud. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to have to fuck you so hard that I might just explode.”
“Please,” Jada grinned, squeezing him that extra bit tighter in emphasis. “I’d love for you to explode all over me.”
Luke growled, a kind of animal noise of need and want and pleasure and satisfaction all in one. He got back onto the bed quickly and knelt in front of her, as she smoothly lifted her legs to drape them over the top of his thighs and hook them together behind his hips.
He positioned himself carefully, and she groaned as she felt his head part her lips for the first time. He rested there for just a moment and then eased forward carefully until he was as deep in as he could get.
The sensation was almost maddening. A fullness and pleasure that she wanted to last forever, yet also the deafening need for movement that drowned out all other requests from her brain. At last, what seemed like an eternity later, he began to move, and she moved with him, their hips rocking and bucking in time.
It was heaven. It was everything. Maybe there was something in his blood that was different from every other man she had ever met because she had never felt anything like this. Jada liked to think she was a woman who knew her own body and needs, but no man had ever made her feel so alive. His touch was like magic, and every inch of her skin thrilled to have it.
Almost before she knew it, it came towards her like a wave; borne on top like a tiny, helpless sailing boat, she could only cry out wordlessly as she reached orgasm, feeling her whole-body shudder and buck as it ran through her.
The sensation was apparently enough to drive Luke over the edge, too. He cried out in turn, and pulled out suddenly as her convulsions began to die out. He shifted forward on the bed, and groaned in pleasure as he emptied himself over her chest, the warm fluid splashing across her nipples and between her breasts.
Exhausted with the pleasure, Jada could only lie there as he flopped down beside her to lay wordlessly panting.
“That,” Jada started, but found herself without enough breath to continue.
“Yeah,” Luke agreed, nodding as he composed himself. “It was something, alright.”
Chapter Eleven
He had not needed to work hard to convince her that there was a need for him to stay. When they woke up together in the morning, limbs tangled together under the bed sheets, it was obvious to both of them that something had begun between them. Something that needed time to be worked out. It deserved that.
“Maybe I should stay a few days,” he had said, over coffee and eggs in the kitchen. “You know, just in case my brother shows up. Can’t be too careful.”
“No, you can’t,
” Jada smiled. Even though there had been no attacks in the news since the night that they appeared in her apartment. Even though neither of them had heard or seen anything of Garrett since Luke fought him off. Even though, to all appearances, she was completely safe. “I think it’s a good idea.”
It was lucky that she had to go to work because otherwise, she might not have been able to keep her hands to herself all day. The nights were another matter, though. Jada didn’t care how much sleep she lost, or how tired she was at work the next day. Even Maya had expressed concern that she needed a bit of a rest, but Jada only laughed. They didn’t know what she knew: that staying up all night with Luke was worth a hundred tired days.
At last, the weekend dawned, and they managed to sleep in together, catching up on some much-needed beauty sleep. When they woke and padded through to the kitchen to enjoy a late breakfast, Luke answered a relentlessly buzzing phone to talk with someone who seemed desperate to get hold of him.
At first, the conversation was casual; he was obviously talking to a friend, and Jada was barely even listening as she picked at a piece of toast and poured over the daily news app she read every morning.
Then, his tone changed. “Today?” he said, casting a glance in Jada’s direction. “Well, I don’t know if -”
Whoever it was obviously cut him off, and he looked down at the floor as he listened to whatever they had to say. Jada was listening now, trying to strain to hear, but she couldn’t make out anything from the other side of the conversation.
“Well, I could ask her,” Luke began, and then shook his head rapidly. “Wait, Jesse, don’t pull that on me. We’re supposed to be friends.”
Jada caught a faint hint of laughter from the other side, and then Luke broke out into a smile. She hadn’t realized how tense her shoulders were until she saw him smile.
“Fine, fine. I get it. I’m a poor excuse for a friend, and I need to pay penance,” he laughed. “Look, I’ll see what I can do. No promises. I’ll text you when I’ve had a chance to talk to her.”
After a reply on the other side, Luke murmured a goodbye and put the phone down, shaking his head.
“That was my friend, Jesse,” he said, smiling. “He’s angry at me because we haven’t hung out in a while. Apparently, it’s essential that I go meet him and Aliss – that’s his girlfriend – at a diner for lunch. I said I’d only go if you wanted to. There’s no pressure.”
“I thought you didn’t have any friends,” Jada teased, recalling their first conversation in the café.
“I don’t have normal friends,” Luke said, winking. Then his expression turned a little more serious. “Jesse and Aliss are, well, like me.”
“So, they can disappear too?” Jada asked. “Some trick you guys might be able to play if you wanted to be mean.”
“No,” Luke replied, although he smiled at the idea of a whole group of disappearing friends. “Actually, they have different powers. Aliss can heal with a touch. Jesse has a special mastery over language.”
Jada’s jaw dropped open. It took her a minute to figure out that he wasn’t joking. “Sure, that seems normal,” she deadpanned, stunned and shaking her head.
Luke laughed again. “I guess I’ll let them explain a little more,” he said. “If you’re up for it, that is.”
Jada thought about it for a moment. Meet some new friends with special superpowers like no one else she had ever known? Turn her life into the full comic book experience? “Sure,” she said and smiled with a confidence that was only half faked. “Bring it on.”
Slipping into Luke’s car, they drove to the diner, about half an hour away from her apartment. It was outside of the city limits in a more secluded area, and she understood why. They didn’t want to draw attention to themselves. After all, like Luke had told her – people like him didn’t mix well with normal humans. At least, not usually. Jada rested her hand on Luke’s upper thigh as they drove, partly to comfort herself and partly to let him know she trusted him.
The diner loomed a little faster than she was ready for, but Jada wasn’t about to be beaten by her nerves. She climbed out of the car and waited for Luke to join her so that he could guide her towards his friends.
As it turned out, Jesse and Aliss looked just like any other normal young couple that you might find stopping off for lunch in a diner. Aliss had long, straight, blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, the looks of a beauty queen, and a slightly southern tinge to her accent. Jesse, on the other hand, was dark-haired and olive-skinned, with a certain wolfish quality to him. He was dressed in a hoodie and jeans; she wore a flirty summer dress with heels. As much as they looked like a mismatch, it was clear that what they had in common was stronger than what they didn’t.
They both rose to greet Luke, hugging him with real warmth and affection. Aliss quickly hugged Jada, too, though the motion was brief and stiff; Jesse just gave her a nod and a smile before sitting again in the booth they had chosen.
Luke and Jada slipped into the seats opposite them. Before they finished sitting, Luke had already jumped into small talk and catching up. “So, how have you been?” he asked, prompting a long and fast-paced diatribe from Aliss about some long journey they had been on. Jada barely caught most of it. References to things Luke already knew flew right over her head.
“Anyway,” Jesse said, squeezing Aliss’ hand gently on top of the table. “How about you introduce us properly to Jada, Luke?”
Jada smiled gratefully, while Aliss looked a little sheepish.
“Of course,” Luke said, leaning back and swinging an arm around her shoulders. “This is Jada. She’s a marketing executive, and she lives in an apartment in the city. She doesn’t have any powers, and she’s very new to our world, so go easy on her.”
“That’s my introduction?” Jada laughed. “I don’t know if I’m happy to be defined by my job and my geographical location.”
Luke flushed a little and shrugged. “Sorry,” he said. “We don’t meet new people often. I’m a little rusty.”
“Well, then I’ll introduce myself,” Jada said, turning back to Jesse and Aliss. “I’m Jada. Luke is my knight in shining armor, and I once stitched him up in a bathtub. Everything else you need to know about me, you’re going to find out along the way anyway, so we might as well start with the most exciting part.”
“In a bathtub?” Jesse repeated.
“He saved you?” Aliss asked, obviously focusing on the more romantic part of the story.
“See? Wasn’t that much more interesting?” Jada teased, and Luke flushed even deeper.
“You’re so Luke’s type,” Aliss laughed. “I could tell just by looking at you when you walked in, but now I know you’re feisty, too. I love it, babe!”
Jada wasn’t fully sure what to make of that. So, Luke had a type? A type that looked just like her? Jada wondered momentarily exactly how many young, petite, black women Luke had brought to meet his friends. She looked over at him and changed her mind about pressing the issue. He looked more than a little uncomfortable, and Jada decided it was time to let him off the hook. “But enough about me. I want to know about you guys. Luke only hinted at what you can do.”
Aliss smiled and flicked her hair back over one shoulder. Talking about herself was obviously one of her favorite subjects. “I’m a nurse,” she said, with a huge dollop of pride. “I heal people with my hands. I mean, I’m not a qualified nurse, because every time I try to train I end up looking suspicious and having to leave. I just can’t not help someone when I see they’re in pain.”
“Like this,” Jesse offered, brandishing a knife from the table. It wasn’t particularly sharp, but in a flash, he managed to at least draw a scratch across his hand.
Aliss tutted, but she reached out her hand immediately. She laid it right across the scratch, and when she lifted her hand a moment later, it was gone.
“Wow,” Jada breathed. “That’s….”
“Really useful,” Aliss finished for her. “I know. And I’m not even
allowed to tell anyone normally. We ended up deciding to travel the country, you know? One endless road trip. I mean, in the good hotels, of course. But it means I get to pretend I’m visiting a family member, sneak my way into wards, and give people a little help whenever I can.”
“That’s pretty noble,” Jada admitted. “You’re giving up a stable life to help others.”
Aliss shrugged, though the way she did it indicated that her modesty was mostly false. “I would stay at home if I could, but when people get word of miraculous healings, they go to one of two conclusions: God, or supernatural beings. Usually vampires or aliens. Since we’re neither of those things, we usually end up having to skip town. Which sucks when you’ve just managed to put together the perfect wardrobe. Now we just plan for it instead of pretending like we’re going to stay for a while.”
“Wow,” Jada said, shaking her head. She couldn’t imagine that kind of life. “It must be hard.”
“She has company,” Jesse said, his tone smug. “It’s all worth it if you get to be with me, babe, isn’t it?”
Aliss rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “And then there’s Jesse,” she joked as if adding one more hardship to her list.
“They joke, but Jesse and his family are very important in our community,” Luke interjected, nodding seriously. “Their skills have saved us more than once.”
Jesse shrugged humbly, but then delivered a grin of pride that ruined the effect. “I guess we are, at that,” he laughed. “My dad’s kind of what you might call… the mayor, of our people. He makes the big decisions that need to be made.”
“That’s right,” Aliss said playfully. “He’s kind of a big deal.”
It was Jesse’s turn to roll his eyes, but he smiled too. “Yeah, I am,” he said. “You’re dating a big deal.”
The two of them seemed to go into their own little world for a moment, grabbing each other’s hands as Jesse planted a small kiss on Aliss’ forehead. It was cute. Jada flicked her eyes toward Luke and moved her hand closer to his on the table. He raised his head, and took the hint, placing his hand over hers. They smiled at each other briefly, before Aliss and Jesse finished having their moment.